School of Graduate Studies

Grad student conducts a two-year study along the North Shore of Lake Superior.

Master your Discipline

Graduate study at Bemidji State University offers students the opportunity to achieve an advanced state of knowledge based on the philosophy, history, theory, and methodology of a discipline or field of study. The office of graduate studies can help you reach your graduate career goals.

The ability to conduct research, to evaluate and apply the research of others, and to present, orally and in writing, the results of study and research to other scholars and to the community at large are among the professional skills obtained through such study.




Bemidji State University School of Graduate Studies
Deputy 111

Mailing Address:
1500 Birchmont Dr. NE #48
Bemidji, MN 56601-2699

(218) 755-2027
(888) 386-8464
Fax: (218)755-2258