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Health Courses

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HLTH 2100急救和心肺复苏术/AED (1 credits)

介绍紧急行动原则, first aid, 急救人员使用CPR/AED(自动体外除颤). American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED (valid 2-years) certificate may be earned. 推荐为专业教育工作者的基础课程.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 2200急救和心肺复苏术/AED讲师 (1 credits)

Designed to prepare First Aid and CPR/AED students to become instructors for Lay Responder First Aid and CPR/AED. 可获得美国红十字会教官证书. 推荐为专业教育工作者的高级课程. 我们也鼓励执法人员考虑这门课程. 前提条件:HLTH 2100或同等学历.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 2800美国多元文化健康 (2 credits)

An examination of the health issues and problems that ethnic minority populations in America face; specifically, 非洲裔美国人面临的问题, Indian Americans, 拉美裔美国人和亚太岛屿裔美国人, etc. Since a disproportionate number of health problems face these minority groups, this course attempts to: a) examine specific problems facing these minority population groups b) evaluate what is known and unknown about these specific problems and c) a re-evaluation and reorganization of the current health care system in America to resolve these special problems in health care delivery d) lastly, 本课程将探讨文化健康态度, 不同人群(老年人)的问题和信仰, adolescence, men/women, etc). Besides the health major, this course can apply to [Core Curriculum Category 7].
Common Course Outline

《新葡京博彩官网》 (3 credits)

本课程建立在大小组讨论的原则之上, 更加重视与环境有关的健康问题, including the food supply, water quality, air quality, 以及其他环境健康风险. 这些都是在癌症等常见疾病的背景下讨论的, asthma, communicable diseases, 以及其他与环境有关的健康问题. [核心课程目标领域10]
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3150健康的理论和伦理基础 (3 credits)

Provides entry level health education and community health students with the theoretical and ethical foundations of health. Also examines health's history, philosophy, settings, literature, and credentialing.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3200个人和消费者健康 (3 credits)

A comprehensive study of personal health identifying ill-advised health behaviors and recommending strategies for positive behavioral change. 从机会成本的角度来看, personal health care options, 市场上的产品和服务将被检查. Opportunities to network with local, state and federal consumer health agencies will be provided. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: For Community Health and Health Education majors and Health Promotion and Education minors: HLTH 3150; Non-majors/minor may select this class with consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3300 Nutrition (3 credits)

Fundamentals of food utilization in the body and diet planning including discussion of the relationship between dietary habits and disease. 还包括对当前营养趋势的讨论, 如怀孕等特殊情况下的饮食改变, infancy, teenagers, aging, athletes, 以及饮食习惯的文化差异.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3400社会中的健康和药物 (2 credits)

A study of chemical use and abuse as related to personal and community health. 各种药物和吸毒行为将被定义和讨论. 历史,文化,教育和法律的观点将被审查. Multi-faceted prevention and rehabilitation strategies promoting wellness will be discussed. Prerequisites: Sophomore status and a declared major area of study that requires this course.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3500 Community Health (3 credits)

Comprehensive study of the community health challenges confronting the citizenry of the United States of America. Examines the roles of federal, state, and local governments, as well as private agencies, 在个人和集体卫生保健方面. 为社区卫生网络提供机会. 先决条件:卫生专业/未成年人:HLTH 3150 and HLTH 3200; For non-majors/minors: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3600 Emergency Response (3 credits)

旨在为学生提供先进的知识, 在紧急情况下进行初步急救的技能和培训. 可获得美国红十字会高级证书. Ideal course for law enforcement personnel, athletic trainers, and juvenile officers. 前提条件:HLTH 2100或同等学历.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3710疾病预防和流行病学 (3 credits)

疾病预防导论, pathophysiology, and treatment of the most common communicable and chronic diseases in human populations. Focuses on the history and principles of disease occurrence in the context of environment and lifestyle choice. Students specifically examine risk factor management and the epidemiological data supporting the influence of physical activity in chronic disease prevention and management. Additionally, learners gain an introductory knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics enabling them to successfully critique the scientific and educational literature. 前提条件:社区健康与健康教育专业:BIOL 1110, HLTH 3150, HLTH 3200, and HLTH 3500; For non-majors and the Health Promotion and Education minor: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 3970实习:社区卫生的实地经验 (1-3 credits)

When taken as Field Experience in Community Health the following description applies: Community health majors will gain a 30-90-hour experience in a local health facility in preparation for the application of previous course work. 前提条件:HLTH 3150和HLTH 3200.
Common Course Outline

hlth4100小学卫生教学 (2 credits)

对组织的综合方法, content, goals, objectives, curriculum, 初级卫生教学的方法和技巧. 协调服务和建立协作将被纳入其中. Elementary school state and national guidelines and mandates will be discussed. 将提供教学机会. 先决条件:进入教师教育计划.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 4206中学卫生 (2 credits)

对组织的综合方法, content, goals, objectives, curriculum, methods, 以及中学卫生教学技术. 整合协调服务和建立协作. 讨论中学、州和国家的指导方针和任务. Prerequisite: Entrance into the teacher education program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 4410 Health Programming (3 credits)

对确定健康问题过程的全面研究, 制订保健方案, and promoting, implementing, and evaluating the program. 还检查愿景和使命声明, along with goals, objectives, timetables, and interpretation of results. This course parallels CHES criteria and utilizes a local community health organization to integrate student involvement. 先决条件:卫生专业/未成年人:HLTH 3150, HLTH 3200, HLTH 3500, HLTH 3710; For non-majors/minors: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

卫生教学实习“, (1 credits)

A 30-hour practicum in which students have the opportunity to teach health lessons, 协助卫生教师进行卫生指导, 观察卫生教师进行卫生指导, read to students, listen to students read, tutor students, and perform other duties as required by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) and requested by the health teacher. Prerequisite(s): Entrance into the teacher education program, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Common Course Outline

HLTH 4920指导小组研究:健康研讨会 (1 credits)

When taken as Health Seminar the following description applies: Intended as a capstone course to prepare the health major for employment, internship/job procurement, 或者继续接受研究生课程的教育. This course integrates discussion of strategies for professional development, as well as providing quality written composition on employment/graduate program goals and objectives. 前提条件:高级地位或同意的讲师.
Common Course Outline

HLTH 4970 Internship (1-12 credits)

When taken for the Community Health major the following description applies: Students will gain field experience in a health-related facility relevant to specific career goals. Opportunities will exist for the student to apply the different concepts and theories from course work directly in the work setting through observation, planning, decision-making, committee participation, leadership, operation management, 以及个人和小组项目. 要求:每学分至少30个实习小时. Prerequisite: completion of all health course work and degree requirements.
Common Course Outline