Evaluation and reporting are an important part of transformative change. In our effort to create an equitable and inclusive campus, 贝米吉州立大学 engages in comprehensive evaluation praxis. 提供我们的学生, 员工和教师与最新的, relevant and accurate information is a goal of ours. We evaluate our strategic diversity, 公平和包容计划, the institutional strategic plan and each area within the division annually.

The purpose of evaluation is to better understand the realities, climate and functions of the university as it relates to diversity, 股本, 包容, 反种族主义+ (DEIA+). The process of evaluation is comprehensive, cyclical and rooted in best-practice.


The mission statement for DEI is to foster a safe, welcoming and inclusive campus and community culture that respects difference and ensures equitable opportunities for every person. The 多元化,公平部门 and 包容 maintains the comprehensive review of data and reports for the division and centers.

多样性, 股本 and 包容 Strategic Plan Review

The mission of our strategic plan for diversity, 公平与包容 is to foster a safe, welcoming and inclusive campus and community culture that respects difference and ensures equitable opportunities for every person. Through strategic priorities and action objectives, we address issues concerning 多样性, 股本, 包容与反种族主义 + (DEIA+) matters in our institution.


在贝米吉州立大学, we celebrate and embrace diversity and steadfastly seek to ensure equitable and inclusive environments for every person who learns, 教, 工作和参观我们的校园.  People are valued for their differences and we strive to reflect that variation.  我们反对不公正, demonstrate kindness and encourage every individual to seek and be true to their own identities. We clearly demonstrate our commitment to the Ojibwe and to other indigenous peoples in this country.

2019 - 2024年重点

  1. 培养公平的, safe and respectful campus and community culture for every person who learns, 教, 工作和参观我们的校园.
  2. Promote the value of a demographically diverse and inclusive student body and workforce.
  3. Promote opportunities for students and employees to increase their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous People’s past and present experiences and ways of knowing.
  4. Support the presence of diversity and 股本 in academic curriculum and classroom conversations.
  5. Encourage partnerships and collaborations among campus departments, teams and efforts focused on diversity, 公平与包容.

Center for 多样性, 股本 and 包容 Services Review

多样性中心, 股本 and 包容 collects data on all the resources offered to evaluate experience and satisfaction to continue providing efficient and effective services.

Center for 多样性, 股本 and 包容 Year-in-Review 2022-2023


Within the 平权行动办公室, quantitative and qualitative data are valued in decision making. We ground our work in data as best practice to ensure that we are equitable and transparent as we engage this critical work.

民权中心 Year-in-Review 2021-2022

贝米吉州立大学 Strategic Plan Review

The strategic plan for 贝米吉州立大学 is a comprehensive plan that advances the institution forward by strategically identifying seminal priorities, activities and resources to address the priority.


年度安全 & 消防安全报告

The most recent sexual assault data provided to theMinnesota Office of Higher Education is available for both 贝米吉州立大学 and Northwest Technical College.克莱里报告 captures the incidents of sexual violence on campus annually.


Our campus engages in assessment to better understand the experiences of students and employees. 以三年为周期, we will engage in climate assessment that targets the experiences, systems and environment of our campus. Our effort of assessment leads our strategy and helps us to develop new policy to best serve our community.

We are preparing for our initial climate survey assessment cycle. 事实上, 明尼苏达州 colleges and universities have come together to advance the practice of climate assessment through a dedicated 行动计划(POA).


In our effort to eliminate 股本 gaps in student outcomes we have engaged with the practice of 股本 scorecard. This is a practice across 明尼苏达州 institutions of higher education. The 股本 scorecard consists of six evaluative areas. The 股本 scorecard is a tool and it has the potential to assist us with better understanding the complexity of our 股本 concerns within our institution and 明尼苏达州.

Learn how to access the 股本计分卡 or learn more about the 股本计分卡.